A group of likeminded IIT and IIM alumni got together for the cause of accelerating progress in the area where it is needed most; EDUCATION. They decided that this can be a strong way to influence a lasting social change. As per them “If not we, then who? If not now, them when?” They want to target a specific goal of imparting values, morals and social skills to add a positive edge to the character of our society. After reaching the highest wrung in their careers, they all realized that they are highly privileged lot and they must answer their inner call to give back to the society.

They approached very highly experienced academicians and doctors to form a community of philanthropic attitude. Ms. Elina, a highly acclaimed academician with 32 years of experience got infatuated with the idea. Dr. Rahul Dayal, defense personnel with compassion and integrity as his core values also joined the community of selfless givers.

Hence, the birth of Siddhantam Heritage School. Thus the aim of the school is to nurture the children with opportunities to grow to their full potential. We believe that, to achieve this, a happy learning experience is a necessary prelude. Hence, we endeavor to inspire our children to consider learning enjoyable and purposeful.

An exemplary citizen is made, not born. Besides providing the children with the latest learning aids, we strive to inculcate moral values, life skills and other personality traits in the children which are so essential for an upright character. The strength lies in the ten core principles on which our school stands and we resurrect these values into the heart and mind of every child of Siddhantam day in and day out. Our ethics based education programme will nurture our students to bring out their overall development through morals, cultural awareness, physical fitness & academic excellence to help them become outstanding citizens of India and the world.