Siddhantam Safety & Security

Safety & Security

A safe and secure environment is a prerequisite for making a durable and SAFE condition where the children have a sense of safety Physically, Mentally and Emotionally. Safety must be introduced as a topic which is required to be discussed regularly with children to make them aware about various aspects of safety like good touch, bad touch, talking to strangers etc. This makes them responsible for their own safety.
The school endeavors to provide safe and secure environment to its students by promoting various safety measures. At Siddhantam, we make sure that our students are safe and feel safe. The safety and security checklist of a school must cover five important aspects. It should include:

Physical safety

For students to learn, they need to feel safe. It is essential to keep the school environment including the school building, premises, playground, laboratories, toilets, and school buses, surroundings safe and secure. Students who feel safe are more likely to stay in school and achieve academically. The school building must ensure “life safety”, and more resilient to hazards. School administration, staff, teachers as well as students are prepared to respond to any catastrophe, natural or man-made. The school has its fire fighting system intact for any exigency.

Emotional & Social safety

Just as the physical safety of children in schools is important to ensure complete student safety, so too is their psychosocial safety. Children who are victims of violence show continuous symptoms of depression, dissociative reactions, feelings of helplessness, lack of emotional intelligence, and aggression. Emotional and psychosocial maltreatment destroys a child’s sense of self and personal safety. The school provides the right ambience to develop and enrich talents to facilitate the total development of a child’s personality. Effective school safety policies are fully integrated into school planning and strategy.

Cyber/Digital safety

Cyber safety is the safe and responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies. Being Netsafe is very crucial for children in today’s world of technology where children are spending more time online than ever before and are interacting online from a younger age.. The term cyber bullying refers to bullying using electronic devices, such as cell phones, computers, and tablets, or other communication tools, including social media sites, text messages, chat rooms, and websites. Children are introduced to Cyber safety norms as how to make safe and responsible use of ICT such as the internet, online games, smart phones, tablets and other connected devices.

Emergency Readiness and Management

No matter the age–from Pre-K/Elementary School to higher education– communities and families expect schools to ensure their children are safe in the face of an emergency, including violence, crime, natural disasters, epidemics, and accidents. It is critical for a school and communities to work together to develop plans that can be effectively implemented in the event of an emergency. The school works to identify early warning signs of problem behaviors and develop prevention, intervention and crisis response plans. Emergency preparedness is of utmost importance to handle any disaster.

Signature Practices for Safety and Security

School Premises

School Entry Point

Safety Measures
