Slate Share Scholarship

Siddhantam Heritage School is being run by the Slate Share Education Technological Society which is led by a group of eminent academicians, alumni of IITs, IIMs and retired defence personnel. The members of the society, after achieving great success in their careers, wish to further contribute towards the upliftment of people by facilitating educational instruction with high standards at an affordable cost. As a demonstration of its commitment towards thisobjective, the society has adopted ‘To Nurture, Inspire & Empower’ as its motto. These words will serve as the perpetual guiding stars for the society in its quest for transformation through

Slate Share Scholarship is a one of the distinctive characteristics of Siddhantam HeritageSchool in nurturing, inspiring & empowering the academic goals of the meritorious but deprived group of students who can get equal opportunity in education and expand the frontiers of knowledge.