Primary Curriculum

“Learning is not the filling of a pail, but lightening of a fire.”

A nation’s growth and prosperity rely on the development of its future generation through a vibrant education system. Primary education refers to the stage of formal education where children learn how to think rather than gaining information about new facts. It offers the children basic knowledge about various subjects and fosters their learning process.

It develops children's competence in various skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, observation, measurement and the use of information and communication technology. Besides a strong emphasis on these fundamental skills, there is also a drive towards originality, creativity and independence of thought.
It develops children's competence in various skills – reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, observation, measurement and the use of information and communication technology. Besides a strong emphasis on these fundamental skills, there is also a drive towards originality, creativity and independence of thought.

The school follows the curriculum designed by NCERT. It offers an exciting and creative learning environment, with an inter-disciplinary appreciation of Languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, as individual and integrated subjects. We integrate the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies along with Music, Dance, Art and Physical Education to create the holistic foundation for our children.

The medium of instruction is English. As we all are aware English has come of age as a Global Language and it is the language of international communication so it is imperative that our students are proficient in communicating with global citizens. Hindi is taught as a Second Language which helps to communicate effectively, interact in a culturally appropriate manner and build a strong foundation in Indian languages. Mathematics at our school provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor. Other subjects in our curriculum provide opportunities for experiential learning through hands- on projects, experiments, collaborative activities and more. Connections built between course topics and other subjects, ensure relevant integration. The learning process inspires students to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects and in the process; students also hone their
organizational and research skills, and develop better communication with their peers and adults.

An extensive array of non-academic subjects also supports the curriculum. Physical Education, Arts, Music, Dance, Yoga, Speech and Drama promote well-rounded development and provide a rich learning experience to our children.

The wide range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities offered, helps instill in children confidence and discipline, as it reflects in their ability to express themselves, in addition to developing pragmatic skills. Students also engage and participate in assemblies and cultural events, which help shape their confidence and help them make fulfilling life choices and authentic contributions.

Our curriculum enables and encourages learning differentiation, as it provides opportunities for teachers to adapt the curriculum to suit the individual students in their classes.

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